


郭令裕先生(Mr. Kwek Leng Joo)(1953-2015),祖籍福建同安,新加坡早期知名企业家郭芳枫的次子,其兄郭令明现任城市发展的主席,他曾是现任城市发展副主席。

城市发展有限公司(City Developments Limited)成立于1963年,也是于同年上市的新加坡房地产发展与酒店经营跨国集团,市值超过75亿美元,在全球20个国家和地区有超过110家酒店,客房数量超过3万。它也是新加坡丰隆集团(Hong Leong Group)旗下公司。

郭令裕自1980年加入城市发展。他在企业社会责任、文化艺术、青年发展和环境保护方面不懈推动,获得的认可不胜枚举。这些荣誉不仅来自本地,还来自欧美。尤其是在企业社会责任领域,他不仅是城市发展的企业社会责任(CSR)和公司治理委员会主席,也是新加坡企业社会责任会(Singapore Compact for CSR)会长,该会是新加坡国家企业社会责任组织,也是联合国全球契约组织的成员。


郭令裕儿子郭益升代表父亲前来领奖。左为新加坡东海岸集选区国会议员兼通商中国主席李奕贤(Lee Yi Shyan)先生,右是时代财智总编辑宋娓女士。

Asia’s Most Influential Cover Personalities Awards 2015:The Late Kwek Leng Joo

An Environmentalist
A Philanthropist
An Artist
A Singapore son who loves his country
A Man of Honor

Apart from being the Deputy Chairman of City Developments Limited (CDL), Kwek Leng Joo has been described as a philanthropist, environmentalist, and above all, a humanist.

Despite his many responsibilities, Mr. Kwek continued to pursue his passion for photography relentlessly. While nature remains a subject close to his heart, his range is versatile, covering architecture, people and street scenes. Over the years, he has held a number of solo and group exhibitions including Tracking Memories (2011) and Flora Exotica (2012). He has also authored a series of three photo art books, entitled Heart Voyage, featuring his works since 2004.

As an extension of well wishes to the Singapore Botanic Gardens (SBG) in its bid to become Singapore’s first UNESCO World Heritage Site, Mr Kwek held an exhibition titled Heritage in Green showcasing the Gardens’ beauty and heritage at SBG in November 2013, followed by a roving exhibition to promote community outreach of this national bid in 2014. This collection of photographs was published in a photo book titled Embrace following the Gardens’ successful inscription as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2015.

An advocate of social responsibility, Mr. Kwek has put his passion for photography to good use. He is patron and advisor to several major photo clubs and programmes in Singapore and has also raised over S$3 million through sales of his photo works and art books for various charitable and environmental causes over the years. He also firmly believes in the importance of preserving culture and heritage. His photographic skills were put to the test in promoting such causes and this was evident in his exhibitions Timeless Jiangnan (2002) and Tracking Memories (2011).

In his latest photo project, Soul & Sensibilities, he partnered master painter Lin Lu Zai and created a new art form combining photographic art with Chinese painting and calligraphy.  The exhibition was held in October at the National Museum.  The sale of selected works and the commemorative art books raised $550,000 for the President’s Challenge.