


新加坡,2016年11月18日——在经过半年的审慎提名、酝酿和筛选后,最后“亚洲最佳房产信托大奖”(Fortune Times REITs Pinnacle Awards)颁与亚洲7支领先房产信托!


这些奖项由新加坡领先华文财经媒体——《时代财智》颁发,颁奖典礼和晚宴在新加坡圣淘沙名胜世界S.E.A.海洋馆举行,主宾是印度尼西亚驻新加坡大使苏瓦查亚阁下(H.E. Ngurah Swajaya )。

本次大奖的评委包括《时代财智》的代表,亚洲投资界和房产信托界的高级专业人士,商业领袖和新加坡国立大学的学界人士:GCP Global执行主席Gabriel YAP先生、新加坡国立大学房地产研究院院长邓永恒教授、亚太房地产协会(APREA)总裁Peter Verwer先生、煌孝集团(Hong How Group)主席张东孝(Daniel Teo)先生、中国全国工商联房地产商会创会会长聂梅生教授、中国资本动力基金总裁孙权先生以及时代财智总编辑宋娓女士。

房产信托获奖者:运通网城(Peter Lai), 越秀房托(Patrick Cheng), Gabriel Yap, H.E. Ngurah Swajaya, 星狮地产信托(Dr Chew Tuan Chiong), 星狮物流产业信托, 华联地产信托(Tan Shu Lin), 先锋医疗信托(Albert Cheok), 置富产业信托


  • 亚洲最佳投资产业信托:置富产业信托(Fortune REIT)
  • 亚洲最佳持续成长产业信托:星狮地产信托(Frasers Centrepoint Trust)
  • 亚洲最佳创值产业信托:OUE地产信托(OUE Commercial REIT)
  • 亚洲最具回报产业信托:先锋医疗产业信托(First REIT)
  • 亚洲最具潜力产业信托:运通网城产业信托(EC World REIT)
  • 亚洲最具潜力产业信托:星狮物流工业信托(Frasers Logistics and Industrial Trust)
  • 亚洲最具潜力产业信托:越秀房产信托(YUEXIU REIT)




置富产业信托是一家房地产投资信托基金,由置富资产管理有限公司(作为置富产业信托的管理人)与HSBC Institutional Trust Services(Singapore)Limited(作为置富产业信托的受托人)于2003年7月4日订立的信托契约(经修订)组成。



Fortune REIT is a real estate investment trust constituted by a trust deed entered into on 4 July 2003 (as amended) made between ARA Asset Management (Fortune) Limited, as the manager of Fortune REIT, and HSBC Institutional Trust Services (Singapore) Limited, as the trustee of Fortune REIT.

Fortune REIT is primary listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and secondary listed on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited. Fortune REIT is Asia’s first cross-border REIT and also the first REIT to hold assets in Hong Kong. Fortune REIT currently holds a portfolio of 17 private housing estate retail properties in Hong Kong comprising of 3.18 million square feet of retail space and 2,713 car parking spaces.

The Manager’s key objective is to deliver regular and stable returns to Fortune REIT’s Unitholders through proactive management of Fortune REIT’s portfolio of assets and acquiring properties that generate long term benefits to Unitholders.

亚洲最佳持续成长产业信托 :






Frasers Centrepoint Trust (“FCT”) is a Singapore-domiciled retail real estate investment trust (“REIT”).  FCT was listed on the mainboard of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (SGX-ST) on 5 July 2006. FCT is managed by Frasers Centrepoint Asset Management Ltd., a real estate management company and a subsidiary of Frasers Centrepoint Limited.

FCT currently owns a portfolio of six quality suburban shopping malls in Singapore with a combined appraised value of S$2.5 billion. They are, in descending order of size, Causeway Point, Northpoint, Changi City Point, Bedok Point, YewTee Point and Anchorpoint.

FCT’s principal activity is to invest in income-producing properties used primarily for retail purposes, in Singapore and overseas. Its primary objectives are to deliver regular and stable distributions to unitholders and to achieve long-term capital growth. The objectives are achieved through a combination of its organic, enhancement and acquisition growth strategies.




OUE商业地产信托的资产投资组合主要以战略性地位于新加坡和上海的三大商业资产组成,其净可出租面积约156,520.3平方米,资产管理总额达到约34亿新元。他们分别是位于新加坡中心地带的OUE Bayfront和One Raffles Place,以及上海中心的力宝广场。

OUE C-REIT is a Singapore REIT established with the principal investment strategy of investing, directly or indirectly, in a portfolio of income-producing real estate used primarily for commercial purposes (including real estate used primarily for office and/or retail purposes) in financial and business hubs within and outside of Singapore, as well as real estate-related assets.

OUE C-REIT’s property portfolio comprises three commercial properties strategically located in Singapore and Shanghai, with an aggregate net lettable area of approximately 156,520.3 sq m and total assets-under-management of approximately S$3.4 billion. They are OUE Bayfront and One Raffles Place located in the heart of Singapore and Lippo Plazza located in central Shanghai.




在Bowsprit Capital Corporation Limited管理下,先锋医疗产业信托已经成功地建立了高质量且多样性的17个医疗资产投资组合。其中13个位于印尼,3个位于新加坡以及在韩国的一家。这些资产的总价值达到超过10亿新元。这个稳定增长的创收型投资组合覆盖了全面范围的医疗设施,包括医院,私人疗养院(敬老院),康复中心以及其他的和医疗保健相关的设施。

First REIT is sponsored by PT Lippo Karawaci Tbk, Indonesia’s largest broad-based listed property company and it operates Siloam Hospitals Group, Indonesia’s most progressive and innovative healthcare provider which has achieved international standards.

Managed by Bowsprit Capital Corporation Limited, the Trust has successfully built a high quality and diversified asset portfolio of 17 properties comprising 13 located in Indonesia, three in Singapore and one in South Korea. The properties are collectively valued at over S$1 billion. The stable income-producing portfolio covers the full scale of healthcare real estate, including hospitals, nursing home, rehabilitation centre and other healthcare-related facilities.




IPO 资产包将由6个位于中国杭州的物业组成,其截至于2015年12月31日的净可租赁面积为698,478平方米,截至于2015年12月31日的总估值大约为人民币63.57亿(相当于13.03亿新元)。

EC World REIT is a Singapore real estate investment trust (“REIT”) established with the investment strategy of investing principally, directly or indirectly, in a diversified portfolio of income-producing real estate which is used primarily for e-commerce, supply-chain management and logistics purposes, as well as real estate-related assets, with an initial geographical focus on the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”).

The IPO Portfolio will comprise six properties located in Hangzhou, the PRC, with an aggregate NLA of 698,478 sq m as at 31 December 2015 and a total appraised value of approximately RMB 6,357 million equivalent to approximately S$ 1,303 million as at 31 December 2015.





Frasers Logistics & Industrial Trust (“FLT”) is the first Singapore-listed real estate investment trust with an initial pure-play Australian industrial portfolio. FLT offers investors a unique opportunity to invest in 53 Australian industrial real estate assets concentrated within major industrial markets in Australia which include Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. Coupled with assets in Adelaide and Perth, FLT’s total portfolio is valued at A$1.7 billion as at 30 September 2016.

FLT’s investment strategy is to invest globally in a diversified portfolio of income-producing industrial properties. With strong connectivity to key infrastructure, FLT’s modern portfolio consists predominantly of freehold and long leasehold land tenure assets with a well-diversified tenant base.




现时的物业组合包括位于广州的白马大厦、财富广场、城建大厦、维多利广场、新都会大厦、广州国际金融中心及位于上海的越秀大厦七项高素质物业,物业产权面积共约74.3万平方米,分别位于中国广州市及上海市核心商业区域。物业类型包括服装专业市场、甲级写字楼、多功能商务写字楼、零售商业、酒店、服务式公寓等。 越秀房产基金的管理人是越秀房托资产管理有限公司。

Yuexiu Real Estate Investment Trustwas listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited on 21 December 2005 and is the first listed real estate investment trust only investing in properties in the People’s Republic of China in the world. Yuexiu REIT focuses on office, retail and other commercial purposes, strives for properties which can bring considerable cash flows and returns and identifies business opportunities for achieving higher revenue growth through the optimization of its operations.

The current property portfolio comprises seven high quality properties, namely White Horse Building, Fortune Plaza, City Development Plaza, Victory Plaza, Yuexiu Neo Metropolis, Guangzhou International Finance Center in Guangzhou and Yuexiu Tower in Shanghai, with a total area of ownership of approximately 743,000 square metres. All properties are located in the central business district of Guangzhou and Shanghai, respectively. The categories of the properties include professional clothing market, Grade-A offices, multiple functional commercial offices, retail business, hotel and serviced apartments etc.The Manager of Yuexiu REIT is Yuexiu REIT Asset Management Limited.