


李成义博士(Dr. Lee Seng Gee)1921年出生于新加坡,是李氏基金(Lee Foundation)和南益集团(Lee Rubber)主席。他通过其父李光前设立于1952年的李氏基金,为教育,艺术和弱势人群捐资了大量慈善。其外祖父是陈嘉庚先生。

李成义博士在公益事业上的卓越超群表现,获得无数认可。1992年,李成义获颁新加坡总统授予“公共服务星章”;1993年,新加坡国家福利理事会授予第一个福利团体的最高荣誉奖“余炳亮”奖。2002年,他获颁新加坡国立大学的文学博士荣誉学位;2009年,他获得南洋理工大学颁授文学博士荣誉学位(Degree of Doctor of Letters),主持颁授仪式的是纳丹总统。



李成义博士未克出席领奖,因而委派代表代领。 左为新加坡东海岸集选区国会议员兼通商中国主席李奕贤(Lee Yi Shyan)先生,右是时代财智总编辑宋娓女士。

Asia’s Most Influential Cover Personalities Awards 2015:Dr. Lee Seng Gee

As the long-standing Chairman of the Lee Foundation and the Lee Rubber Group. Dr. Lee Seng Gee is known for his many charitable and philanthropic contributions towards education, the underprivileged and the arts. He continues the legacy of giving set by his father, Lee Kong Chian, and his maternal grandfather, Tan Kah Kee.

Lee attributes the company’s success to its cautious and careful approach towards business. Lee is also a discerning and insightful leader in his own right. Under his management, the Lee Group became one of the earliest companies in Singapore to computerize its business operations.

To earn the trust of his staff, Lee adopted a non-forceful and persuasive management style when he first returned from the United States.

Today, Lee is synonymous with the Lee Foundation which he was made chairman in 1967. The Lee Foundation is the largest foundation in Singapore. In keeping with the family’s private and modest ways, not all the beneficiaries of the Lee Foundation are known.

Today, Lee is synonymous with the Lee Foundation which he was made chairman in 1967. The Lee Foundation is the largest foundation in Singapore. In keeping with the family’s private and modest ways, not all the beneficiaries of the Lee Foundation are known.