


周通泉博士,1961年11月出生于重庆,目前是鼎为建筑结构顾问有限公司(TENWIT Consultants Pte Ltd)董事经理。从重庆大学毕业后,周通泉考取中国赴日留学生资格,于1985年10月东渡日本攻读工学硕士和博士。1992年从日本移居新加坡以前,周通泉曾任日本清水建设公司研究员,并练就了一身编程功夫,为未来的成功奠下了基础。



该书在2018年入选《新华文学大系中长篇小说集》。2015年乔舟人的散文《闲不住的休闲成都》被选入《新华文学大系散文集》。2017年《野心蓝图》一书以《重庆小子下南洋》之名在中国出版。2017年3月,新加坡《联合早报》在财经人物专访栏目以《工程大侠周通泉筑梦天下》为标题整版报道了他及其创办的公司TENWIT的精彩故事。同月,中国CCTV电视台报道《新加坡华人周通泉25年打拼赢获“工程大侠”美誉》 。


Asia’s Top Achievement Award 2019

Dr. George Zhou Tongquan, born in Chongqing in Nov 1961, is currently the managing director of TENWIT Consultants Pte Ltd. Dr. Zhou was admitted to the fourth Chinese overseas student qualification in Japan in 1984 two years after graduating from Chongqing University.

Before relocating from Japan to Singapore in 1992, Dr. Zhou was a researcher for SHIMIZU corporation during his graduate studies abroad. Thus working part-time as a programmer, Dr. Zhou unwittingly laid the foundation for his future success. Today he is one of a small number of structural consultants, who specialize in developing computer programs from scratch to deliver expedient work solutions.

In the history of Singapore’s Civil Engineering industry, Dr. Zhou is the first Mainland Chinese immigrant to have attained a professional engineer license. This license was granted in 1997, 5 years after Dr. Zhou had made his residency in Singapore. To get there, Dr. Zhou used the “dumbest method” in the world to learn British structural codes, which were adopted by Singapore: writing comprehensive computer programs to process them. He spent a year in total practicing writing professional engineering structure reports in English.

In 1998, Dr. Zhou founded TENWIT Consulting Pte Ltd. Over the past 21 years, he has designed numerous structures, including the world’s largest desalination plant and Singapore’s largest Waste-To-Energy Incineration Plant.

Dr. Zhou has also made his mark in the literary scene in the Asia Pacific. In 2015, under the pen name of “QiaoZhouRen” Dr. Zhou published his autobiographical novel, “The Blueprint of Ambitions”, in Singapore. In 2018, this novel was shortlisted for Xinhua Literary Series. In 2015, Qiao Zhouren’s essay “Chengdu Leisure Chengdu” was shortlisted for the Xinhua Literature Department Prose Collection. In 2017 “The Blueprint of Ambitions” was published in China under the name of “A Chongqing Lad’s Success in Nan Yang”.