



潘继泽先生(Mr. Serge Pun)是缅甸华人,出生在仰光。在文化大革命期间,他在中国度过了自己的少年时期。21岁时他只身前往香港。他的第一份工作是在一家房地产公司当销售员,在那里工作十年后,也就是1983年,潘继泽开始创业,在香港成立了恒泽集团(Serge Pun & Associates Limited),并在1991年回缅甸创立了恒泽集团(缅甸)。

潘先生目前是世界经济论坛全球议程理事会下透明度与反腐败理事会(World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council for Transparency and Anti-Corruption)理事,大连市人民政治协商会议常委,亚洲商业理事会理事。此外,他从2004年至2006年担任新加坡国际企业发展局(International Enterprise Singapore )驻缅甸的名誉商务代表。潘先生于1999年被南加州大学授予工商管理荣誉博士学位。




恒泽集团的旗舰第一缅甸投资有限公司(First Myanmar Investment Co., Ltd.)是缅甸首批上市公司之一,成立于1992年。2006年,潘继泽又带领祐玛战略控股(Yoma Strategic Holdings)在新加坡证券交易所主板上成功上市,当前市值约为3.8亿新元。



潘继泽先生(Mr. Serge Pun)未克出席领奖,因而委派代表代领。左为时代财智总编辑宋娓女士,右为印尼驻新加坡大使苏瓦查亚阁下。

Asia Top Entrepreneur Award- Myanmar 2016:Mr. Serge Pun

Executive Chairman,Serge Pun & Associates(Affiliated with First Myanmar Investment, and Yoma Strategic Holdings)

A native of Yangon, Myanmar, Pun spent his formative years in China during the Great Cultural Revolution and arrived in Hong Kong at the age of 21. He started out his career as a salesman at a Hong Kong-based real estate firm where he worked for ten years. In 1983, Pun went on to found Serge Pun & Associates Limited in Hong Kong and eventually returned to the country of his birth to establish SPA Myanmar in 1991.

SPA’s flagship First Myanmar Investment Co., Ltd., one of the first public companies in Myanmar, was established in 1992; and in 2006, Serge Pun led Yoma Strategic Holdings to a successful listing on the mainboard of the Singapore Stock Exchange. Today, SPA Group has grown to become one of Myanmar’s leading corporations with 40 operating companies which are active in eight business sectors: banking and financial services, real estate development, automotive, agriculture and logistics, luxury travel and tourism, consumer services, aviation, and healthcare.

Pun is currently a member of the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council for Transparency and Anti-Corruption, a standing member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference of Dalian, and a member of the Asia Business Council. Additionally, he served as an Honorary Business Representative of the International Enterprise Singapore for Myanmar from 2004 till 2006. Pun was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Philosophy in Business Administration by the Southern California University in 1999.

He is frequently invited to be a speaker in international forums on Myanmar and ASEAN. In 2014, Pun was awarded the special honor of being selected as one of the 65 outstanding Overseas Chinese Model worldwide to feature on a series of commemorative postage stamps celebrating the 65th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China.

Pun now resides in Yangon with his wife and four sons.

About Yoma Strategic Holdings

Listed on the Main Board of the Singapore Securities Exchange Trading Limited (SGX-ST), Yoma Strategic Holdings Ltd. is a leading business corporation with a diversified portfolio of businesses in Real Estate, Consumer, Automotive & Equipment, and Investments in Myanmar. Together with its partner, the SPA Group, the Group is taking a conglomerate approach to build a diversified portfolio of businesses in Myanmar.

Awards And Accolades

Best Managed Board Award (Gold), 2016:Singapore Corporate Awards for the S$300 million to S$1 billion Market Cap Category

Ranked 17th among the 100 largest SGX-listed companies, 2015:ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard:

Ranked 48th out of 639 SGX-listed companies, 2016:Governance & Transparency Index

Ranked the Most Transparent Company, 2015:SIAS Investors’ Choice Awards for the Construction & Materials Category

Yoma Strategic Holdings公司首席执行官Melvyn Pun先生现场接受《时代财智》采访片段:
The interview video clip of Mr. Melvyn Pun, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of Yoma Strategic Holdings