


运通网城房地产信托 (EC World REIT,ECW)于2016年7月28日在新加坡交易所主板成功上市,是新交所第一家专注于专业物流和电商物流的中资背景的房地产信托。ECW拥有7个高质量的资产组合,其中6个位于长江三角洲最大的电子商务集群的杭州市,1个位于中国中部交通枢纽的武汉市。ECW的资产组合为投资者提供了获益于中国高速发展的电子商务和物流行业的独特机会。详情请参见: http://www.ecwreit.com/


运通网城房地产信托是第一家在新交所上市的专注于专业物流和电商物流的中资背景的房地产信托,获得了“亚洲最佳创值产业信托”奖项(Most Value Creation REIT in Asia)。

Most Value Creation REIT in Asia 2018 : EC World REIT

Listed on 28 July 2016, EC World REIT is the first Chinese specialised logistics and e-commerce logistics REIT listed on Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (“SGX-ST”). With its portfolio of seven quality properties located in one of the largest e-commerce clusters in the Yangtze River Delta, EC World REIT offers investors unique exposure to the logistics and e-commerce sectors in Hangzhou and Wuhan, the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”).

EC World REIT’s investment strategy is to invest principally, directly or indirectly, in a diversified portfolio of income-producing real estate which is used primarily for e-commerce, supply chain management and logistics purposes, as well as real estate-related assets, with an initial geographical focus on the PRC. For more information, please visit: http://www.ecwreit.com/

EC World REIT is managed by EC World Asset Management Pte. Ltd., which is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the Sponsor – Forchn Holdings Group Co., Ltd. Established in 1992 and headquartered in Shanghai, the Sponsor is a diversified enterprise group specialising in the real estate sector, industrial sector, e-commerce, logistics and finance. For more information, please visit www.forchn.com.cn